So, she tagged me for the 25 random thing meme that’s spreading like SARS in Toronto circa 2003 floating around facebook. and since SHE has totally rad taste in music (and this, as you all know, music snob that i am, is something that i don’t take lightly) and also, well, she’s HOT, i decided to share 25 random things with you…
(but, alas, internets, this list was hard. because as you know, i am QUEEN OF THE OVERSHARE. i mean, come on, i tell you when i have foot-long pieces of toilet paper hanging out the rear-end of my jeans)
(is there anything i haven’t told you yet?)
1. I have never done yoga for fear that i might fart mid-pose. or that someone else might fart and then i would be forced to inappropriately laugh, because, hi! i’m 12! farts ARE funny.
2. I can probably eat more sushi than you can.
3. I totally give a fuck about an Oxford Comma.
4. I have yet to purchase a 2009 daily planner. I’m currently re-using last year’s. and it’s not the first year I’ve done this either.
5. I am reconsidering my opinion that my all-time favorite tv couple is Winnie and Kevin…i now think it might be Desmond and Penny. (honorable mentions go to Jim and Pam and Dylan and Brenda and Angela and Jordan)
6. I don’t wash my face. ever. and i rarely wear deodorant. i have never been much of a perspirer. actually, the ONLY place i sweat is between the girls…and since they don’t market an antiperspirant for boobs, i’m shit out of luck there.
7. I only went to gym class ONCE in all four years of high school. and that day’s activity was a group walk to 7-11 for slurpees. somehow i still managed to pass gym…probably because my school seemed to put little emphasis on physical activity (um, see 7-11 example above)
8. I have a mad girl crush on Frances McDormand. I have wanted to make out with her since she was Dot in Raising Arizona.
9. Occasionally i dream that i am in the middle of World War II, trapped in a concentration camp.
10. Indian Curry = GROSS; Thai Curry = HEAVEN
11. I have never been properly fitted for a bra…i mean, by anyone other than my mother, who thinks she is a bra expert. so, i may NOT be a 34C. PS. my mother STILL insists on fixing my bra straps whenever she and i are in a dressing room.
12. I love old airplanes. I am fascinated by how they were built, how they looked, how they flew. I have a huge collection of images of old airplanes. Researching the Avro Arrow for a work project was probably one of my career highlights. BUT i hate to fly. this has to do with my control issues. i think i would enjoy FLYING a plane, just not being flown in one.
13. I love fountain pop. pretty much daily i will announce, usually to no one in particular…”i REALLY want a huge fountain diet coke right now”
14. I will not use an electric can opener. all i can think of is all the tuna juice caked onto the blade. it’s probably irrational, since i don’t even allow tuna cans into my house, but still. only manual openers for me. (ps. canned tuna…or canned MEAT of any kind makes me want to vomit)
15. I never, ever finish my coffee. and i know i’ll never finish it. but i still get the bigger cup, because it’s a bigger cup and it looks better. i always order a grande at Starbucks, even though tall is perfect. i order a large at Tim Horton’s, even though a medium is perfect
17. I do not think that Oscar snubbed The Dark Knight.
18. I wish my car wasn’t so messy. I cannot bring myself to keep it clean. mostly because i cannot bring myself to bring my shit inside. so, currently in my car there are no less than 4 library books, three pairs of gloves, a pair of Uggs, unmailed mail, unopened mail, at least 3 empty diet coke cans, receipts, emergency hair elastics, gum wrappers, and pens.
19. The sound of somebody chewing makes my skin crawl.
20. When i am cold, which is 99% of the time, my nose turns red. like, we’re talking Rudolph Red.
21. i go commando more often than not. and only flashed my Britney once. and it was in the parking lot of my local library (where, incidentally, i spend a tremendous amount of time. and where, also incidentally, i get picked up by 14-year-old boys) and i was getting out of my car. and i flashed a rabbi. i don’t know who was more traumatized. and then there was that time i flashed the internet, but luckily, i was wearing purple underwear at the time…
22. I really know nothing about wine. I drink it because i’m supposed to. i mean, i like it just fine. but, you can give me an $8 bottle of wine or an $800 bottle of wine, and i may not be able to tell the difference. my parents would probably be ashamed to know this.
23. I hate taking the car in for work. I even hate PICKING UP THE CAR once it’s already had the work done to it. Car Mechanics in general skeeve me out, and i just *know* they are going to somehow convince me to drop more money than i should.
24. I hate when people use the word itch when they should be using the world scratch. “i can’t stop itching my mosquito bite” is NOT right. you scratch an itch. how hard is this to remember?
25. I am allowing my soon-to-be 8-year-old daughter to have her very first sleepover birthday party. TWELVE PRE-TWEEN SECOND-GRADERS SLEEPING OVER AT MY HOUSE. clearly, i’ve lost my damn mind.
and lookie here, a bonus picture for those of you who haven’t fallen asleep yet…
things to note about the picture above:
a) i play a tremendous amount of SORRY! on the weekends. it’s the ONLY game i can play with all three of my children.
b) i always lose
c) my dog still has a cone on his head
d) i seriously need to stop dressing like i’m homeless
e) i seriously need my roots done