the answer to friday’s found porn is: “Mama, they are light sabers, of course…” [insert eye roll here]. so, no one got it right…but your answers killed me.
so, with this apocalyptic weather we are having, it’s become near impossible to make any sort of weekend plans. But, on sunday morning, since it was 84 degrees and sunny, we decided to head to the water park at Canada’s Wonderland. we packed the car, changed the kids, lotioned ’em up, finally found a parking spot. and it looked like this…
by the time we walked from the car to the park..
it was more like this…
so, went spent the next two hours at Chuck E. Cheese. i mean, sure, it’s no water park. but come on, it’s where a kid can be a kid. and where a kid can spend the entire time playing skee-ball…
no joke. the ENTIRE time. all of her tokens were spent there. *sigh* she. is. me. although i would have mixed it up with some Elvis pinball too. Josh, on the other hand, spent his tokens in about 8 minutes, playing only the games where he could win the most tickets. what he doesn’t understand yet is that you need about 4,500 tickets to win, um, some piece of shit that you can buy at the dollar store.
on the way home, though, that’s when the real fun began.
the matzo ball sized hail. the flooding. we barely made it home.
but it was this guy who i really felt bad for…
also…temperature when we got home? 54 degrees. that would be a 30 degree drop right there. what. the. fuck.
i am disturbed by this news story. you know the one. the teen girls and their pregnancy pact. possibly the most ridiculous part of this entire story is not the fact that their dumbass girls decided that because they are bored they are going to become mothers (huh?), but more the fact that the dad of at least some of these babies is a 24-year-old HOMELESS DUDE.
Emily is getting the “don’t make any pacts of any kind with anyone” speech tonight.
and lastly, anyone watch Camp Rock this weekend?
Camp Rock is ALL we watched. the. entire. weekend. (okay, fine. i *liked* the movie. don’t tell, mmmkay?)
damn you, Jonas Brothers. get your songs out of my brain. i don’t want ’em. you aren’t even cute. there’s just too much eyebrow action happening for me. raise your hands up in the air and scream! We’re finding our voice, following our dreams.
Cause we rock! We rock! We rock, We rock on!