my kids do their fair share of embarrassing me.
You have to develop a thick skin around children, probably even thicker with the Martell kids
because sure they might play cute on tv…
but i assure you, in reality, they are mortification machines.
I mean how can you not DIE when your 7-year-old looks at you and says, “you are going to wear THAT? really?” or when your child thinks that George Clooney is on the US dollar bill. or when your 3-year-old announces in a public bathroom that she can see the hairy stripe on your pagina. or when your son points to a woman at Canada’s Wonderland and says “wow! that lady is SO fat!” or when he announces to an entire flight of passengers on an airplane that he just farted in his own face. (okay, fine, i kinda sorta maybe laughed at that one) or when your daughter uses “THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID” properly. in front of your parents.
ah, kids. joy of joys.
but what EXACTLY do you do when you and your son are walking into a mall and he marches right up to a smoking woman near the entrance, raises his little 6-year-old voice and announces:
permission to die, sir?
i mean, payback will be a bitch, right? it’s coming, right? those years where my mere presence will embarrass the hell out of all three of my children? i. can’t. wait.
so, last week we had a little contest over here at Cheaper Than Therapy. Sadly, it was only for Canadian readers, which i felt a little bit bad about only really i didn’t so much because why is every contest always only for US residents?
anyway, i decided that since i love you internets so much that instead of only ONE $25 gift card, i’m going to give out TWO. and i’m seeking the help of my very own assistant to help me choose the winners.
say hi to Miss Emily and her hat:
say hi to all the entries:
say hi to winner #1:
say hi to winner #2:
there you have it! Congrats to Sam and Syd! I will be in touch with you both sometime today!
and in case any of you were wondering how my southern puppy was going to take to our northern abundance of snow…i think you need not worry. it seems he can’t get enough.