Monthly Archives: December 2009


Well, this past weekend was chock-full of all sorts of good things. And not really just good things. The kind of GOOD THINGS that need to be written in all-caps and that make your knees wobble just a little bit. And I’m going to ignore the fact that all three…

The Tits: December Edition

Since it’s been all whine mixed with kvetch around here lately, blah blah blah my children are monsters who ruined my house, I figured I would finally get to the tits list I promised… ALSO, since many of you asked about the TITS. It originated here, when I stole it…

And THIS is why I keep them even though they have light saber fights with crayola markers and spill drinks on laptops

Isabella singing in the car… “Mommy, do you know this song that I learned in school…one little, two little, three little idiots….” “Um. No, my love, I don’t think that’s how it goes. I think it’s Indians” “Mommy, yes. Those are the words. You don’t know anything because you are…