Since it’s been all whine mixed with kvetch around here lately, blah blah blah my children are monsters who ruined my house, I figured I would finally get to the tits list I promised… ALSO, since many of you asked about the TITS. It originated here, when I stole it from the lovely FADKOG. and then there was a second installment. and then a third. So, while I has absolutely nothing to do with actual boobies or anything, the name stays…
Jersey Shore text fest Thursday with some lovely snarky, snarky people. Chill out, Freckles McGee…
Nights when my kids have no homework.
The ELEVEN boxes of cookie dough out in the freezer.
The coat I bought for $40 on ebay.
Rediscovering music I love but haven’t listened to in far too long. White Lips Kissed by MEW? awesome. Forlorn by Sunna? yes please.
Cereal for dinner. and lunch. Crunch Berries. even though they totally destroy the roof of my mouth and then I end up tongueing it for the rest of the day.
Making ridiculous videos for Heather. Because I can. YAY. new laptop has built-in camera (I know, the 21st century told me sent me a “welcome to this century, alimartell text this week). Please to excuse my horrific lack of make-up, my inability to balance a laptop on my knees, and my hair that I swear does NOT have a bumpit underneath that poof.
Giant cheetos.
That my friend Anissa is MAGIC. She is just magic.
Anthropologie and J.Crew catalogs. There is just something about leafing through an actual catalog that totally beats surfing a store’s website and braving the holiday shopping crowd.
Following-through on a punishment, even if it resulted in us having to leave Isabella’s school Hanukah party early because she cried until he puked. BUT, not before I got to see my tuition money in action:
Watching West Wing episodes.
Having random Yiddish words and phrases in my lexicon
Smelling like Shauna Glenn.
National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. A Christmas Story, Elf, The Muppet Christmas Carol and Love Actually in my future. Top 5 best holiday movies. HANDS DOWN.
Cetaphil for my ridiculously dry face.
Hospital room Glee dance parties.
Unexpected packages showing up from her containing things including this
Already falling in love with the characters I am writing about. BUT…anyone want to help me with the name of a small town? I can’t think of anything that isn’t super cliche.
Isabella finally being able to buckle herself into her carseat.
When Clay on One Tree Hill takes his shirt off.
Rain boots for Indiana so he will actually go outside when it rains and stopping crapping on the living room rug.
Christmas music, except for that fucking “Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime song” because, seriously, Paul McCartney? NOT COOL.
Being able to give away a $100 Visa gift card. There are only 31 comments right now. Why haven’t YOU entered??!?!?
What’s on YOUR tits list? What are YOU loving these days?