Monthly Archives: December 2009

My Dentist BFF Will Be VERY Happy With This Silly Strawberry Toothpaste Review. And You Probably Will Too.

**This is a compensated review by BlogHer and Tom’s of Maine.** When it comes to tooth brushing in Casa de Martell, the kids – all three of them – are anti-mint and anti-bubble gum. This means, essentially, that I am always on the lookout for toothpaste that is neither of…

You’re on Notice: Revisited

I was all set today to write a post of all the things that are NOT on notice (yanno, tits list) after being all hating in my post on Friday…it was going to include things like The West Wing. Really? Has there ever been a better show? I don’t think…

You’re on Notice

1. Isabella, 4, for the crime of stealing two entire books of stamps and decorating her disney printables with first-class forever stamps. Who knew she’d be drawn to those stinkin’ bells. Liberty, my ass. Well, it’s a good thing I was able to devote the 18 minutes it took to…