Monthly Archives: December 2009

…touristy goodness. and my apples don’t fall far or some such idiom.

I have disappeared, some of you may have noticed. And if you haven’t noticed, then that totally makes you an asshole. OR you have also disappeared because you also have been swallowed by the family and friends annual holiday vortex in which case I will forgive you fully and completely…

things I know.

I do not have a clue what is going on the internet. I haven’t been on twitter. I haven’t been on skype. I haven’t read any blogs. I haven’t shopped. I haven’t worked. I haven’t played Friends with Words. I haven’t picked up the book I am reading. I haven’t…

Why do they call it ‘winter break’ when I won’t get a break at all until the kids go back to school in January? It’s totally like labor day…complete misnomer.

Usually around this time of year, we are getting ready to pack the family up and fly down to Atlanta for the holidays, which means that someone has the stomach flu, or our flights have been canceled or delayed, or I am making lofty goals about not looking like the…