Monthly Archives: January 2012

Ice Truck Bella

She assured me that it’s supposed to be a ring holder, and it’s supposed to be helpful. “Mama! Look at what I made for you! It’s so great for when you wash dishes! You can take your rings off and put it on this!” But I have seen Dexter. I…

Which ’80s Movie Reigns Supreme: Tada! We’re Going to Do Math!

Now that my beloved Packers are out of the playoffs, I realize I need something to do with my time. The truth is, if I’m being honest, the Packers played like sweaty balls out there on Sunday and did not deserve to win that game. All hail the New York Giants…

Not the Ed Hardy Family

There’s this couple in my neighborhood. I don’t know who they are or what their names are or what street in Pleasantville that they actually live on. All I know is that they run together—a lot. They run in the mornings, afternoons, and evenings. They run when it’s cold, when it’s…