Monthly Archives: January 2012

Oh, Timothy’s Coffees of The World…

…I have a bone to pick with you. As a frequent coffee drinker, pumpkin lover, and Keurig-owner, I was thrilled to see this seemingly too-good-to-be-true promotion. Free to try? Don’t mind if I do. All I have to do is GIVE YOU MY PERSONAL INFORMATION and you’ll not only send…

Chinese (Food) Wisdom

This Chinese restaurant completes me. Even though I didn’t leave my house for the first six days of this year, I have ridiculously high hopes for 2012. I’m going to watch my kid shine on the stage again. I’m going to skate with my kids on our backyard ice rink….

The Good News is That I Can Buy Bras at Target

Do you take vitamins? I have sort of been toying with this idea of late but I am confused about vitamins and when I spend time looking at boxes at the pharmacy I start to confuse the vitamins with the feminine itch creams, because, seriously, the boxes are all the…