Monthly Archives: May 2008

the expandable fork of doom returns…and why i might actually *like* my 30s

my stepmom is likely the world’s most friendly and outgoing person. she talks to everyone, everywhere. i remember when i was 12 and we were in myrtle beach. she walked right over to these two pre-teen hooligan types (i really just wanted to use the word hooligan, because, clearly, it’s…

more from the random ali files…

two lovely lovelies have begged me to talk about myself. haha. Amy and Julie told everyone six random things about themselves and have now asked me to do the same. i’ve actually done this before. several times. but, there’s no end to the ali quirks…so, here you go… 1. my…

Miss Truvy, I promise that my personal tragedy will not interfere with my ability to do good hair

i used to have this hairdresser therapist Jodi. i loved her. from the start of the foil to the end of the ironing, we would talk. about our lives. our men. my husband. her nasty divorce. my ever-expanding brood, her little boy. she was my therapy back then…was way back…