Monthly Archives: May 2008

letters. because i can. it’s my birthday.

Dear Josh, you get the points for the most creative birthday card ever. and thanks for hoping i have a good life. not seeing it? love, mama Dear karma, irony, and/or murphy’s law, just because i said i refuse to grow up and i still feel like a teenager (and…

supersize me

nothing like waking up to a little site hacking…shit. shit. shit. i *think* i got it fixed…but this is around the time when Ali panics and wonders why she really knows nothing about the backend of things (the backend of wordpress, you pervs…) must get on that. upgrade to 2.5.1….

booze. gambling. gluttony. PERFECTION.

miss me? why, yes, i DID disappear yesterday. you see, yesterday was Victoria Day in Canada…commonly known as the May two-four weekend, because, get it? two-four? (we canadians like to use this weekend to booze it up) and it’s usually on the weekend of the 24th…only, um, this year it…