Monthly Archives: April 2006

a finger in a dyke…

my friend Hana is seriously the funniest person i know. i think the funniest part about her is that she’s so sweet and so unintentionally funny. and sometimes things come out of her mouth and i swear, i’m peeing in my pants. her newest story didn’t let me down. she…

Must-see tv

“I put Cirie on my back…all 300lbs of her.” AKA Survivor ~~Shane brings new meaning to the word lunatic. i hate, hate, hate him. poor Courtney, finding out that her tribe likes her less than they like Shane? i would probably take that to heart, too. but, Courtney? when a…


i know i’ve been slightly missing the last week or so, but it’s been one hell of a week. i hate this passover holiday and am so thankful that it’s over. it’s just too much. and it’s not even the food. because that i can deal with. it’s the weeks…