Monthly Archives: April 2006

the blue power ranger fox

there is this concept on Passover of the Afikomen. in our house, the children (i use this term loosely, because when it comes to this tradition, most of us stay children forever…) try to “steal” it and then when they have to give it back, bargain for something special. this…

weird things

i’ve been tagged by Dawn. 6 weird things about me (rest assured, there are way way way more than 6. i believe this is clear to you since 2 out of my 6 involve drinking, and it’s not even alcohol…) : 1. i blow my hair dry either completely naked…


apparently, the south beach diet isn’t the only thing my sister and the husband have in common. they both are not subtle in their boob grabbing technique. she walked into my house, and the first thing out of her mouth was, “Did you get a boob job?” she stood there…