I have that feeling in my throat when I yawn. You know the one. The one that aches just enough to send that warning signal to your brain; the cold is on its way. Pretty soon that feeling will come with every swallow and I will be making a pit stop at the pharmacy to clear out the cold medicine aisle. Of course I am getting sick. The first month of a new subway commute is on par with the first month of preschool. Each day I am exposed to brand-new people who stand dangerously close to my person, invading my personal space, while coughing and sniffling and spreading their foreign germs into my orifices. There’s not enough Purell on this planet to keep me healthy; it’s inevitable. Perhaps I need to invest in one of those SARS masks.
And now to segue into something completely unrelated, because it’s my site and I can, yo.
It’s funny because I fancy myself a pretty opinionated person. I like what I like…and I am shocked (SHOCKED!) when people don’t like the things that I like, which is sort of ridiculous because I typically have what some might call offbeat taste. I like Indie movies, music people have never heard of, and eating peanut butter off a spoon. But, I still get surprised when people are not on the same page as I am.
For example….there are people WHO DO NOT LIKE MAD MEN. (ahem)
For another example….there are people WHO DO NOT THINK AUSTIN POWERS IN GOLDMEMBER IS COMEDY, erm, GOLD. (ahem)
For yet another example…there are people WHO DO NOT LOVE PARKS AND RECREATION. (ahem)
For yet even another…..there are people WHO DIDN’T LIKE THE KING’S SPEECH.
How are these things even possible? These are not just things I love. They are things I looooooooooooooove.
I wonder how many other of these are out there. Things I love and would be shocked to hear that other people didn’t.
I know there are books/songs/movies/shows that I’m all, “WTF? This is terrible” that people love. Like The English Friggin’ Patient. What a piece of crap that was. I tried to read the book about 47 times and couldn’t get through it…and then I tried to watch the movie, and I couldn’t even bring myself to watch it to the end. SNOOZEFEST.
And don’t even get me started on how I felt about The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo.
And, well, I don’t really like The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Or Lady Gaga. Or Oprah. Or slurpees. Or Dancing with the Stars. Or Javier Bardem.
But really, you should forgive me.
Because it has started to hurt when I swallow.