April 21 09

This is a Rubbermaid Take-Along:


As part of my plan to get fit and get healthy (and run a half marathon!), i promised myself and my body that i would pack a lunch every single day. now, this is NOT an easy task. NOT EASY. I have, however, learned what things work – key lime yogurts, cashews, hummus and veggies, string cheese. But then I had a brilliant idea! Make some actual REAL home-cooked food the night before to take for lunch. So, i did it. I made some pretty awesome chicken (y’all want the recipe? i’ll share! because i am a giver, readers. A GIVER!). and i took it along to work in my take-along. but, sadly, after just over a minute in the microwave THIS happened – and like any hungry, frustrated and angry person, i turned to Twitter, of course…


(ps. if you are new to twitter, you need to start at the bottom)

in case you need some evidence, i have some for you!!


it says “MICROWAVE REHEATABLE” on it, which, um, clearly, is a big fat lie.

Rubbermaid, sadly, did not send over lunch for me.


they did send this…their sense of humor..



So, Rubbermaid gets some points for making me giggle a bit, but they get a NEGATIVE review from me for leaving me hungry at lunch time.


  1. Blah to cheap plastic containers. I’ve spent a small fortune on Tupperware in my life and I don’t regret it all because of the lifetime guarantee. I’ve tried other stuff but it just doesn’t cut it 🙁

    Comment by Katy on April 21, 2009
  2. We use glass Lock-n-Locks that we got at Costco, or smaller Corningware stuff with lids from their outlet stores. I never microwave plastics simply because the heat can promote leeching.

    Comment by SciFi Dad on April 22, 2009
  3. For a second there, I was worried this was going to be some Biggest Loser-esque product placement.

    Comment by slynnro on April 22, 2009
  4. I just reuse the plastic containers that our Chinese takeout comes in, they’re also microwavable and I haven’t had any trouble yet (granted for the most part I only take salads to lunch, but I’ve zapped them a few times). I guess this means you need to find a Chinese place with similar containers and order a lot of takeout 😉

    Comment by El on April 22, 2009
  5. I store my stuff in plastic but I keep a place setting in my desk and transfer it all to that for heating/eating. I just go so tired of trying to scrape burnt food off of plastic. Oh and the whole don’t heat plastic thing got to me.

    Comment by Chantal on April 22, 2009
  6. I had some of those and they never did that to me… I use mostly glassware now though.

    Comment by WickedStepMom on April 22, 2009
  7. So was the virtual turkey sandwich any good??? 🙂

    Comment by Amberlea on April 22, 2009
  8. […] « well, they DO have a sense of humor at least […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » what’s going on…clearly, your life is more interesting than mine on April 22, 2009
  9. I remember reading your tweets, but missed their reply. Awesome.

    Also love your photoshopped words. Heh.

    Comment by Angella on April 22, 2009
  10. Hopefully this is the very bad thing that has happened while your huz is away! I will have to stop because I always microwave in those things but that is scary!

    Kathys last blog post..My daughter WANTS to sleep on the floor, really!

    Comment by Kathy on April 22, 2009
  11. Huh, I use those same containers and they’ve never burned up in the microwave. Perhaps Rubbermaid has something against you?

    Comment by tutugirl1345 on April 22, 2009
  12. I’m sorry, but Rubbermaid totally just gained a TON of points in my book. I mean, they couldn’t send you a real lunch (they could have sent you a replacement container or coupon, though) but that was funny and they responded! As a marketing person, that is an EXCELLENT use of social media on Rubbermaid’s part.

    I’m guessing your microwave is like mine at work and is super-powered.

    Kristabellas last blog post..And Now, For My Next Trick, I Shall Jinx Myself!

    Comment by Kristabella on April 22, 2009
  13. Dude, the stink of plastic is almost as nauseating as that of reheated seafood. Blech.

    Comment by Darcey on April 22, 2009
  14. I HAD those rediculous containers and the lids fall off!! How bad is it that I had to TAPE them on.(fancy in the lunch room) Let’s not mention the leaking… sick.. I am bringing back the tupperware! Stick with the classics!

    Comment by Suzanne on April 22, 2009
  15. Haha! Great review. GREAT tweets. Classic…. 😉

    Comment by Haley-O on April 23, 2009
  16. The only thing better than this review is the child like writing on the pictures. bwahhaha.

    Comment by Amanda on May 28, 2009

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