the husband is in Las Vegas (onbusiness)(foraweek) which means two things…a) something is going to go very, very wrong and b) someone is going to barf. exhibit a. exhibit b. exhibit c. exhibit d. I will stop exhibiting now, and get to the matters at hand. the matter of the little colossal leak from my waching machine to my basement carpet. oh yes, having someone come and rip the damn drywall apart in your basement is exactly the sort of thing you hope for when you are trying to sell your house.
then there’s the camera situation. my lens broke on my Nikon, which of course sent me into a fleeting tizzy, which the husband took in to get fixed (warranty, yo!) only he couldn’t find what he’d done with the warranty, so he thought, lo! I will just wait until I get back from Vegas and Ali can use the canon point-and-shoot….only the canon point-and-shoot’s battery charger has flown the coop. no where to be found. cue ali’s shakes.
oh, and then we must discuss the laptop that the husband took with him on his trip. the one that has ENCHANTED and PETER PAN on it…the two movies we have on lather, since, repeat these days, especially when Isabella decides to traipse into my bed at 5am. stream a little Gisele through the laptop and through the Xbox for her, and presto! 2 more hours of sleep!
(side note…Peter Pan? BLOWS. I mean, seriously, the whole what made the red man red song? ah, nothing like having to explain to your three-year-old what the hell they mean when they are talking about ‘injuns and them being red and then getting into why nanny Haydee is brown. oh, thank you Walt Disney…thank you. BUT, i do enjoy listening to Wendy talk. and i do enjoy rewinding when she says “oh, Peter DO be careful” because at that very moment, she sounds EXACTLY like Augustus Gloop…
it’s an awful good time, i tell you. also, that says BFF, in case you can’t make out my MAD paint skillz)
so, yes, when the husband’s away, things are less-than-smooth at best, BUT, I do have the very best friends in the world, who not only lent me a Nikon lens!!!1!1! AND their copy of Enchanted,
they also helped me honor Maddie yesterday…
and helped me remember WHAT IS REALLY IMPORTANT because right now, i wish that my dear friends Heather and Mike only had missing movies and broken camera lenses and leaky washing machines and barfy kids to worry about.