okay…so, some poor employee of CTV is getting the old heave ho today. possibly as i write this, someone is getting fired. those of you who were watching ctv at 8 pm last night know EXACTLY what i’m talking about.
i’m all set for Grey’s. I sit down.
wait. i don’t get it. Izzy’s baking? Cristina knows that Meredith slept with McDreamy (and now he’s McGuilty)? Derek is smelling Meredith in the elevator (swoon, by the way)? Addison knows! and she’s drunk! how does she know? what the hell is going on?
i feel like i missed an episode. where’s the closure? Denny died…how did Izzy get home? when did she get home? when did Meredith get home? did she leave with Finn or McDreamy? Addison found the panties in Derek’s tux….when did that happen?
and then i realized. i had missed an episode. because, CTV, in its infinate wisdom, at the end of the episode, as always, showed scenes from next week’s episode. which really isn’t next week’s episode at all. it’s the episode i just watched.
at midnight i watched the season premiere of Grey’s Anatomy. on abc. god bless time shifting. and all my questions were answered. except for one. what the hell was going on at CTV last night?
okay…can we all spare a minute and talk about the Office? Oh, Pam misses Jim (ah, the moment in the boardroom where she looked at Ryan and it wasn’t jim. aw. come back Jim). Jim misses Pam. Pam didn’t get married (yay!) Roy’s a tool.
“Remember kids. Sometimes it pays to be gay.” could anything have been more hilariously uncomfortable. i love everyone on this show. Stanley and his toaster! Phyllis and Bob Vance! Dwight watching gay porn because Michael said it was okay and checking Brookstone to see if they have Gaydar in stock! Kevin’s uncontrollable giggles!
“That’s what she said. or he said. Oh, There’s Gil. Oscar’s roommate. I wonder if he knows??!!”
show me some survivor love
~okay, you don’t throw a challenge in this game. ever. even if you want to get rid of dead weight, or someone you can’t trust, or some psycho who thinks he fell in love at first sight with a member of another tribe. no, you don’t throw a challenge….you just point a finger and laugh at his batshit craziness. ha. ha. ha.
~ Cao Boi is an ass. but what do you call a vietnamese guy with three dogs?? a joke without a punchline…even a bad one…is just wrong.
~Yul: “You have crabs?” giggle.
~did anyone get really annoyed that they couldn’t make fire? have none of them even seen ONE episode of survivor? it was almost painful to watch.
~Puka is my favorite tribe. i loved them on the rope all working together and stuff. and good on Yul for finding the idol. bad on Mark Burnett for making it that easy to find. in week 2? too early!
~my most favorite moment? Jeff’s facial reaction to Billy’s love confession.
okay, i’d like to give a special shout to my husband for sending me this hilarious video. I’m not usually a Weird Al fan, but this is awesome.
and if you haven’t seen the original Chamillionaire video, you can see that here. i’ll warn you though. once you watch it, it’s over, Johnny. you’ll be singing it in your head. for.the.rest.of.your.life.
try to catch me ridin’ dirty….try to catch me ridin’ dirty….