child #1:
November of 2006: “mommy! feel my wiggle! feel my tooth! feel it! feel it! it’s so wiggly! come on, feel it, please!”
i feel nothing.
December of 2006: “mommy! feel my wiggle! feel my tooth! feel it! it’s so wiggly! come on, feel it, please!”
i feel nothing.
January of 2007: “mommy! feel my wiggle! feel my tooth! feel it! it’s so wiggly! come on, feel it, please!”
i feel a slight wiggle.
lather, rinse, repeat.
every single day.
until November of 2007. (if you are doing the math, that’s an ENTIRE YEAR)
when she finally lost that bloody first tooth.
child #2:
Sunday: “Mommy. i think i *might* have a loose tooth!”
i don’t feel anything because he doesn’t grab my fingers and shove them in his mouth.
Monday: “It’s definitely a loose tooth!”
“let me feel” i say, willingly. look, i’m as shocked as you are. “watch jeopardy,” i say, and pull the sucker out.
(my game-show loving heart swells with pride these days. After homework, between 7 and 8 every night, my kids sit with me and we watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. they LOVE it. and, of course, i love that they love it)
what IS the going rate on teeth these days?
Josh got a loonie, a toonie, and an action figure. (that’s $3 to our friends NOT from the great white north)
you wouldn’t know it from this picture…but Josh is the easy one…
although he’s channeling his inner teen heartthrob and this photo may one day come back to haunt him.
neener, neener
whatever, like you never read Bop.
you still have one more day to enter the contest if you haven’t already! i’m keeping it open until 7pm tonight!!!