January 28 09

child #1:

November of 2006: “mommy! feel my wiggle! feel my tooth! feel it! feel it! it’s so wiggly! come on, feel it, please!”

i feel nothing.

December of 2006: “mommy! feel my wiggle! feel my tooth! feel it! it’s so wiggly! come on, feel it, please!”

i feel nothing.

January of 2007: “mommy! feel my wiggle! feel my tooth! feel it! it’s so wiggly! come on, feel it, please!”

i feel a slight wiggle.

lather, rinse, repeat.

every single day.

until November of 2007. (if you are doing the math, that’s an ENTIRE YEAR)

when she finally lost that bloody first tooth.

child #2:

Sunday: “Mommy. i think i *might* have a loose tooth!”

i don’t feel anything because he doesn’t grab my fingers and shove them in his mouth.

Monday: “It’s definitely a loose tooth!”

“let me feel” i say, willingly. look, i’m as shocked as you are. “watch jeopardy,” i say, and pull the sucker out.

(my game-show loving heart swells with pride these days. After homework, between 7 and 8 every night, my kids sit with me and we watch Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. they LOVE it. and, of course, i love that they love it)


what IS the going rate on teeth these days?

Josh got a loonie, a toonie, and an action figure. (that’s $3 to  our friends NOT from the great white north)

you wouldn’t know it from this picture…but Josh is the easy one…


although he’s channeling his inner teen heartthrob and this photo may one day come back to haunt him.


neener, neener

whatever, like you never read Bop.



you still have one more day to enter the contest if you haven’t already! i’m keeping it open until 7pm tonight!!!

  1. He’s so handsome… missing a tooth. My 1st two kids are like night and day too.

    And. For the record… I had a HUGE enormous BOP shrine on the wall of my room. Huge.

    Comment by OHmommy on January 28, 2009
  2. I’m so impressed you can just pull a tooth like that! Before we even decided whether or not we were having kids I’ve informed my husband that should we have kids he’s going to handle the tooth thing because OMG wiggly teeth, pulling wiggly teeth!? It totally squicks me out just thinking about it.

    Comment by Erin on January 28, 2009
  3. Three bucks AND an action figure? I think I got quarters.

    (Also: what figure?)

    Comment by SciFi Dad on January 28, 2009
  4. wait… is that loonie toonie thing a real phrase?

    and proud to say, I never read Bop.

    Comment by slynnro on January 28, 2009
  5. I had to be dying before I’d admit to illness with my parents, but a loose tooth, yeah, while I still believed in the tooth fairy, a loose tooth was something good to have.~Mary

    Comment by mary on January 28, 2009
  6. OMG BOP!!!. I *totally* read BOP and had pull-out pics of Kirk Cameron and Michael J Fox all over my room!

    The going rate over here is a Toonie per tooth! The only reason my son got 2 Toonies for the last tooth is because it was knocked loose by someone else’s head and came out 2 days later. Tooth Fairy felt bad.

    Comment by Holly on January 28, 2009
  7. Dude! I still have some of my old BOP magazines. I never did figure out why Kirk works so hard, though. Also, I *ahem* still sometimes read BOP! I gots to keep up with my boy Joe.

    My kids get a buck for each lost tooth. Sadly, there’s been a couple times when I had no dollars and there were IOUs left under their tooth treasure boxes!

    differentkindofgirls last blog post..…and then a totally crappy day became sort of awesome

    Comment by differentkindofgirl on January 28, 2009
  8. Not only did I read Bop- I read: Big Bopper, Tiger Beat, and all the other teen idol ones. I would buy them for the Joey lawrence posters, habg them on my wall until one day I ended up with over 300 posters of “whoa” on my wall. I was an obsessed 12 year old

    Mayas last blog post..My Roots

    Comment by Maya on January 28, 2009
  9. It took a year to lose that tooth?! Dude.

    And for what it’s worth, I most certainly didn’t read Bop. I read Tiger Beat.

    Comment by Jennifer, Playgroups are no place for children on January 28, 2009
  10. Of course Josh is the easy one… he’s the boy. Boys are sooo much easier to raise than girls! Girls are such drama queens! And my oldest has the degree to prove it (BA in Theatre) and her sister is going for hers next year!

    Joanies last blog post..Butterflies Are Free!

    Comment by Joanie on January 28, 2009
  11. I totally read Bop!

    Also, I lost my first tooth in second grade. It was one of my 2 front teeth. The one on the left was loose. So my genius older brother was all “bite down on this towel and I’ll yank it out.” And I’m all “OK!”

    He did. But he pulled out the tooth NEXT to it, which wasn’t loose at all.

    Kristabellas last blog post..House Hunting = EPIC STRESS

    Comment by Kristabella on January 28, 2009
  12. Dude, I think I had that issue of Bop plastered all over my walls.

    Julia’s got a loose tooth. I’m betting that by next fall – ’10 – it’ll come out. LOL!

    Comment by mamatulip on January 28, 2009
  13. hi Ali i’m too old for bop it was tiger beat and some other mag when i was that age! oh and of course rolling stone!

    Comment by LAVENDULA on January 28, 2009
  14. My son lost his first 4 teeth at the age of 4. He is now 6 and has 6 permanent teeth. At this rate, he will hit puberty by age 8. I am scared, very scared.

    We, err, the tooth fairy, gives $2 for a tooth.

    FYI, if you are like me and are morbid and keeping the teeth, make sure to hide them well.

    Comment by Nichole on January 28, 2009
  15. I think I had that very issue.

    As for the toothpulling? Whoa. You’re very brave for somebody that won’t share toothbrushes.

    kgirls last blog post..Joke’s On Me

    Comment by kgirl on January 28, 2009
  16. OMG, I was going to write a post about the differences between my #1 and #2 – not bathroom habits either, and not teeth… although my #1 told me his tooth was wiggly this morning. Ooo, weird channeling.
    Oh, yeah, totally BOP and Tiger Beat, but mine was full of … wait for it… Scott Baio — oh, the shame, because now he’s 40-something and walks with a zimmer!

    Comment by Nenette on January 28, 2009
  17. Well, duh, of course I read Bop! And Josh is totally channeling a young JTT 😉

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on January 28, 2009
  18. My first kid just told me her tooth is loose and to wiggle it. It barely wiggled. After reading this, I am afraid. A year?! Gah.

    Comment by anne nahm on January 28, 2009
  19. I don’t remember if it was Bop, but I sure had a mag like that with N’SYNC on the front. And the boys from Home Improvement.:)

    Kaleighas last blog post..On Influences…

    Comment by Kaleigha on January 28, 2009
  20. I TOTALLY read BOP.

    *Hangs head in shame*

    That boy of yours is going to break hearts…

    Comment by Angella on January 28, 2009
  21. We are in month 4 of the first ever-so-slightly-wiggly tooth. You haven’t given me much hope here!

    Comment by AJ on January 28, 2009
  22. I got every Bop issue that had NKOTB in it.

    Comment by Heather, Queen of Shake Shake on January 28, 2009
  23. 5 bucks for the first and 3 for the rest.

    Although Cam got $10 for a molar that the dr extracted. Because it was a molar.
    And because “It was yanked out before it was ready and now I’m stuck with a hole in my mouth for 3 years”

    Christines last blog post..Fuck

    Comment by Christine on January 28, 2009
  24. Oh, and the going rate I believe is about $2-$5 per.

    Comment by Nenette on January 28, 2009
  25. OMG I had totally forgot about that magazine…I used to love that magazine 🙂

    Shellys last blog post..Wordless & Wordful Wednesday!

    Comment by Shelly on January 28, 2009
  26. first tooth $3, only a buck thereafter. One of them had to be pulled by the dentist, he got $5 for that one.

    haha! would ya look at Johnny Depp!

    Comment by just me on January 28, 2009
  27. I had that issue of Bop…

    Comment by LaLa on January 28, 2009
  28. From Thansgiving until 2 days ago I dealt with the “no I swear it’s lose” and it drove me nuts. How could you stand a full year of that? Going rate here is one of those gold dollars.

    Comment by Text Imps on January 28, 2009
  29. Bop, huh? I do vaguely remember something like Tiger Beat. But oh the shame… Parker Stevenson and Leif Garrett and Shawn Cassidy were all the rage waaaaaaaaay back then. I’m so OLD! 🙂

    Comment by Keri on January 28, 2009
  30. Lol about the tooth. We give $5 for the first, then $2 after that. (YIKES!)

    And LMAO about BOP. Not only did I read it, I *remember* that issue!!

    Comment by jay on January 28, 2009
  31. Forget BOP, I’m all about the Tiger Beat.

    And ol’ school Johnny Depp on the cover? *swoon*

    Comment by sam {temptingmama} on January 28, 2009
  32. Not only did I read Bob and Tiger Beat, I ripped the pages out and plastered my walls with my “boyfriends.”

    Comment by Dani on January 28, 2009
  33. I can honestly say, I have never EVER bought a Bop magazine. Nor have I even thumbed through one. And, I have no idea what the going rate for a tooth is. I like $3. Good number….

    Comment by Haley-O on January 28, 2009
  34. I only bought teen beat. and sucky ol’ Leif Garret and Donny Osmond were on it.

    hey – aren’t you a big donny osmond fan? I have something I should send you. Its an old set of promo shots from his teenage days. Email me, I’ll mail it to you.

    monstergirlees last blog post..My Photographing Partner in Crime This Day

    Comment by monstergirlee on January 29, 2009
  35. When I had a loose tooth I REFUSED to let my mom pull it out. She was convinced it would fall out and I’d choke on it in my sleep so I came up with an ingenious solution for a 6 year old – not going to sleep. Finally at 2 am she came into my room and told me she was just going to look at it. I made her promise she wouldn’t pull it out and …she pulled it out. Thanks, Mom. Welcome to my world of trust issues. And? I gave you an award!

    Juliennes last blog post..Award season.

    Comment by Julienne on January 29, 2009
  36. Isn’t it funny how kids are so different in how they handle things? And yes, I agree – we don’t want your son on the cover of Bop magazine! lOL

    Comment by ParentingPink on January 29, 2009
  37. I LOVED Bop. Best mag ever.

    Misss last blog post..More Than This

    Comment by Miss on January 29, 2009
  38. My walls were covered with Tiger Beat.

    Comment by Aimee Greeblemonkey on January 30, 2009
  39. […] experiences in real life; Kim and Phillipa, I never met. We starting writing each other because we were subscribers of Bop! magazine. (The original Match.com for pedophiles, Bop actually published in each issue a […]

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