Let’s Go Buffalo!!
Okay, I’m back from my trip to the Bills game. It was freezing, raining sideways through the entire game…but it was still amazing! We had the best time. We went with our friends Ephraim and Tova and just had a blast.
Here’s a view of the ominous weather:
We brought a bbq and tailgated in the parking lot with all the other Buffalonians (is that the right word for them?). They are crazy die-hard fans. some of them even looked like they had been there all night. They were cooking, and playing football, and all decked out, head to toe, in Bills gear. And since it was Halloween, there were a whole bunch of interesting costumes…
I figured…when in Buffalo…so I borrowed a hat and jersey from my friend Howie (who happens to be from Buffalo) that i wore over a t-shirt, long sleeved shirt, sweatshirt, and jacket. Man, it was cold!!
It was raining through the entire game, but we figured, what the heck, we are already wet anyway…so we stayed. It was a really good game too! Buffalo won – 38-14. At least we can say that they won on the day we were there….since they don’t seem to be winning all that much these days…
and the Packers won too…so i’m quite happy this morning 🙂