advice of the day, from Ali: never, ever, give up your immunity necklace. yes, i would be talking to you…Erik aka the dumbest survivor ever. also? dude with the dumbest hair.
advice of the day, from Isabella: we don’t touch our bum-bum, and we don’t eat poo. even if there’s corn.
words of wisdom today, folks. words. of. wisdom.
When I was in St. Lucia, getting all drunk and tan, and making all of y’all jealous, i was asked a question…
If you could only listen to one band or musician for the rest of your life, who would it be?
wow. this question just about killed me. ONE? seriously? well, we know it wouldn’t be Scarlett Johansson. bwah. i like too many bands and listen to different things when i’m in different moods. shit.
i cheated and came up with two. The Beatles. Radiohead. my reason is threefold:
a) they both have huge catalogues.
b) they both have tons of varied music.
c) they both are fucking awesome.