my morning started VERY early. like, 2:45 early. no, i’m not kidding. it’s like i’m being punished for daring to take a couple of days off. Isabella was screaming like Dora was in her crib, ripping out each of her fingernails, one at a time. then her screaming woke up Josh, who had himself a raging little fever. so, out came Bella. and out came Josh. we put Dora on (at least 7 times that i can remember) for the bugger and we put some tylenol into Josh.
and she didn’t go back to sleep. until 6:30…which…ding, ding, ding, thanks for playing folks, is the VERY time i wake up in the morning to get ready for work. so…while the husband got himself an extra hour and change of sleep, i got to get up and start my day. i need coffee.
but first, i’m on a mission of sorts. since i have a serious girl crush on a certain someone (even though she left me off of her daily reads….) and she requested that we find a new blog, read through the archives and introduce it to our readers. and what Karen Rani wants from me, she gets (except for the whole circumcision thing…but that’s a story for another day).
so, i started in her daily reads looking for a blog i’ve never read. this was a challenge, personally, since i read a ri-fucking-diculous amount of blogs every day. Then i clicked over to leahpeah. (go on, get. but then come back. pretty please!) see…the thing is with leahpeah…i’ve heard of her. i’ve seen that name about a million times. but for some strange reason, i’ve never read her.
and seriously, if you haven’t, you should. and not only because she uses the word “rubbish”. and not only because she buys polka dot bras (love!) but still sometimes manages not to wear a bra at all. and not only because when she bakes, her goods come out looking like logs of poo. and not only because she takes amazing photos. and not only because she plays guitar hero. ah, love.
so…your assignment for today, people, is to find a new blogger. and tell your readers. you are more than welcome to my little old blogroll that’s completely gathering dust on my sidebar…since it hasn’t been updated…in…well, probably since i started using bloglines. so, i guess i have an extra assignment. fix old blogroll. shit. that’s going to take a lot of time, which i don’t have, because i’m going to be over at leahpeah‘s all frickin’ day.