yesterday, the girls and i went on our very first ever blind playdate. We went to Reptilia (yes, AGAIN. Isabella loves her some ‘nakes!) with the Multi-tasking Mommy and the SciFi Dad and their adorable little bunny.
I’ll admit it, i was nervous. It’s easy to hide behind a computer….and pretend that i’m all cool and funny and fabulous. It’s another thing to go out in public and meet up with people without the husband who was being all full of charity yesterday (he took Josh to do the Passover Food Drive), and let them see your true colors. let them see that you really are just a big dork.
But, i’ll tell you…even though i spent most of the time chasing after Isabella (note to self: next time she gets strapped into her stroller, whether she likes it or not), and trying to convince Emily that she was actually having a good time (and she WAS. she loved the feeding tour, even it WAS only lettuce and a couple of crickets – no dead rabbits this time and impressed the tour guide with all her questions), it was really, really nice.
sadly, we had to check out early, before i could spend all my money at Children’s Place ($2.99! everything was $2.99! i could have spent all day there!), Isabella was dying for a nap…and nap she did…for 3 hours. i had to wake her at 4!
Seriously, y’all, ever since the Real Moms post, my new catchphrase (to replace “i am jack’s _____”) is now Real Moms _______ (but i guess it’s the multitasking mommy’s too!) All day yesterday, every sentence began with real moms.
Real moms pass up great sales to let their kids nap.
Real moms play Star Wars even when their sons want to play with Padme and Han Solo. and they know that this just isn’t right.
Real moms inspect their children’s asses (no joke. Josh was complaining that his bum was hurting. so, in goes mommy to spread the cheeks and check it out. there’s no way on god’s green earth that daddy was going to do that….).
Real moms are not afraid to admit that their 6-year-olds have more rhythm than they could ever hope to have.
Real moms eat their children’s crusts.