August 7 07

it was theme day yesterday at Casa de Martell.

it all started in the lazy river. my kids LOVE the lazy river, and it’s a good chance for me to, well, be lazy. and not having to chase anyone (Isabella) when she decides she wants to run off at a water park (and jump in the water when she can’t swim) is always a plus. I noticed about halfway through our second time through the river that my watch was gone! It’s an Esquire – it’s not like it’s a $5,000 watch – but the husband bought it for me after Josh was born, so there’s a certain sentiment there. i didn’t want to lose it. so, the husband, determined little bugger….went back in for a third time around…and came out with my watch! my hero! i swear i thought it was gone forever.

then we’ll move on to this:

not sure what you are looking at?

how about now:

i’ll give you a hint…what’s pink and purple and something my tired little kitty doesn’t like to live without:

why yes, Virginia, that is Isabella’s paci you see down by the river at Wonderland. where she dropped it…while she was looking at the giant goldfish.

(more on flickr)

and it all ended with my newest addiction – Lost. I finally took the plunge and borrowed season one on DVD. i knew i was going to like it…but i didn’t know i was going to like it a lot. i can’t stop. i’ve watched the first 8 episodes…and i constantly feel like i need a fix. i want more Lost. i can’t get enough.

also, i’m a huge spoiler. i always want to know what’s going to happen next. i read spoiler sites and i call my friend Sarah, who is queen of the spoilers, to talk about what’s coming up on shows. like, last week i NEEDED to know who won HOH on Big Brother. i couldn’t wait until sunday’s episode to know who stayed upside-down the longest. yes, i’m one of those skip-to-the-last-page of books type of person (and yes, i know what happens at the end of Harry Potter…even though i’m only on book 3)

but with Lost, i don’t want to know. i don’t want to know anything. so, for all that is holy, please don’t tell me anything!!!!!!


  1. I heart Lost. You better watch them all quick – season starts next month!

    Comment by AndreAnna on August 7, 2007
  2. They have a lazy river at Granby Zoo here in Montreal that we just went to last weekend .. I cannot even imagine looking for a watch in that. You hubby’s a hero!
    btw ..does Bella ever leave home without her necklace and bracelet .. she is SO cute!

    Comment by Sarah on August 7, 2007
  3. I am a Lost junkie! I am so bummed I am told the new season doesn’t start until Feb. Sooooo sad.

    Comment by Cynthia on August 7, 2007
  4. I CANNOT believe The Gib FOUND your watch in the Lazy River (sounds like something out of Dora, doesn’t it!) That’s INSANE! I guess you didn’t get Bella’s pacy back, though, huh?

    And, I KNEW you’d love LOST. I can’t believe you were never into it before!

    Comment by haley-o on August 7, 2007
  5. Huge HUGE Lost fan! Isn’t Sawyer yummy?

    I sure hope God doesn’t tell Jameka to take Jen off the block again.

    Comment by RLGelber on August 7, 2007
  6. Do you always coordinate the paci with the shirt? Too cute!

    Comment by LoriD on August 7, 2007
  7. oh bella is so the butterfly paci.i love LOST.I GO THROUGH WITHDRAWAL WHEN THE SEASON ENDS.are you sure you don’t want me to tell you something anything…your hubby must be a really terrific guy to look for your watch like that..

    Comment by LAVENDULA on August 7, 2007
  8. You’re just now finding LOST? I do love it. You’re going to be so hooked you won’t know what to do with yourself once you fly through 3 seasons on DVD and then have to wait from week to week. It’s the hardest part…

    Comment by Sadie on August 7, 2007
  9. WOW your husband is a super hero for finding that watch! Did you ever get the pacifier back? I remember those days, climbing in planters for pacifiers!
    Enjoy Lost!

    Comment by Miss on August 7, 2007
  10. There was no freaking way I was waiting to find out who won HOH or the veto, or who used it and who went up in her place!

    Comment by chantal on August 7, 2007
  11. I’m so glad you found your watch — er, that the Husband found it! That’s awesome.

    As for Lost — there were a few episodes in Season Two (I think) that made me think maybe the show was going downhill but just WAIT until Season three. Holy CRAP.

    Comment by mamatulip on August 7, 2007
  12. Mmmm… Sawyerlishious. I just watched Season 1 of Big Love and feel the same way.

    Comment by anne nahm on August 7, 2007
  13. Her poor soother! Are you getting her a new one or is this the end of the line?

    Comment by Rebecca on August 7, 2007
  14. ohhhh – i am envious how you are watching lost via dvd – i hated waiting each week (or longer!) for a new episode. enjoy.

    Comment by Jodi on August 7, 2007
  15. I’ve been scared of watching Lost too. I guess I need to take the Netflix plunge too, huh.

    And points to hubby for finding your watch!!

    Comment by aimee/greeblemonkey on August 7, 2007
  16. Oh no! Not the binkie!!

    Hey, we have the same taste in entertainment. I just noticed you have “Little Children” in your sidebar (I just watched that movie) and “The Memory Keeper’s Daughter” (which just arrived at my doorstep today).

    Amanda did the same thing as you with Lost and also got hooked. I think she’s on the second or third season now (is there even a third season? whichever it is, it’s not the latest)

    Comment by BlondeBlogger on August 7, 2007
  17. OMG.. I’m the hugest Lost fan ever. I wanted to kick your butt a few posts ago when you mentioned you didn’t ever watch the show. LOL. Now, we can be Lost buddies, but I warn you, you might get sick of me and want to kick my ass.
    PS.. when you get caught up, check out this fan site which contains the best info and spoilers:
    OMG.. Season 1 was great, Season 2.. good, and Season 3… the bomb, especially the finale. I can’t wait for Season 4 to start. 🙂

    Comment by bella on August 8, 2007
  18. Wow, we must be mentally connected. I posted about a lazy river yesterday too.

    AAAAND I love Lost.

    (But I won’t spoil it for you!)

    Comment by Nancy on August 8, 2007
  19. I am SO addicted to Lost! Love, love, LOVE it. I especially love Sawyer (I met Josh Holloway (Sawyer) almost two years ago, when we were on our honeymoon in Hawaii!! Wheeeeee)

    Comment by Nadine on August 10, 2007
  20. Welcome to the wonderful world of Lost. Take your time getting through the first couple of seasons as season 4 doesn’t start until the new year.

    Sorry to hear about the paci – hopefully Isabella wasn’t too traumatized.

    Comment by mamakie on August 11, 2007
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