March 30 09

i have so many stories to tell you about my trip. some will be more exciting, like the pee-in-my-pants laughing i did when i discovered my bat-mitzvah dress in a closet in the basement.


oh yes that IS the very same dress i wore at age 12. the day i became a woman (i became something that day, not sure WOMAN had anything to do with it). (ps. i have NO idea what the red stain is…but my sister seems to think it’s a great start for a super rad 80s zombie Halloween costume. i almost agree with her. almost) (and no, it’s got nothing to do with that kind of becoming a woman, you sick, sick lady, motherbumper! and i know this because THAT day didn’t come until i was in high school)

some stories will be less exciting, like the pee-in-my-pants laughing i did when my mom (pack rat extraordinaire) pulled out over 87 tablecloths when we asked her to find us one for her party. for the record, pre-purge ali owned 6 tablecloths. post-purge ali owns 2. for the record, i LOATHE tablecloths.

but before we get to all of that…i must show you how the trip ended.


oh yes it did.

that right there, folks, is what the martells discovered upon reaching our spot at 3H25 in the parking lot at Toronto Pearson International Airport last night at midnight.

after flying with three extra-hyper children…


after being delayed due to the SNOW in Wisconsin…


after praying to the toilet gods that i would make it home before the REAL fun set in. (oh yes. of course i have the stomach flu)

i’m going to do you all a favor and NOT post any visuals of this. trust me, you don’t want to see it. and now my unshowered, unmade-up, unbrushed, unkempt self needs to work while the husband gets the tire fixed.

(oh, and did i mention that we have carpool today too?)

the stories will have to come later.

  1. I’m just impressed that you still fit (with room, it seems) into a dress you wore when you were 12!!

    Comment by Lyndsey on March 30, 2009
  2. LOVE the dress. I have a very similar one, only the bottom half is black/white polka dots. Oh, I also have one that’s got a big pink bubble skirt. Might be in style again, actually.

    kgirls last blog post..

    Comment by kgirl on March 30, 2009
  3. Love the 3-tier ruffles on your bat-mitzvah dress – mine was pretty much exactly the same, except it was fuschia with black polka dots. Aaah, formalwear in the 80’s. It does not get better than that. Sorry to hear about the drama on return – that sucks!

    Comment by Jen on March 30, 2009
  4. I agree with your sister, it would make a great zombie costume!

    Also, the flat tire is a major bummer. I hope that everything works out today.

    Comment by WickedStepMom on March 30, 2009
  5. I can’t believe you fit into your 12-year-old self’s dress. I love it!

    Comment by kirida on March 30, 2009
  6. Dude, saying that you wore that dress the day you became a woman and then expect me not to giggle and point at the RED STAIN and make totally inappropriate comments regarding the stain – well that’s just unfair. But I don’t feel like getting hit by lightening so I’ll keep it to myself.

    Comment by katie ~ motherbumper on March 30, 2009
  7. It’s a Buffy the Vampire Slayer (original, Kristy Swanson edition) dress! Except hers was all-white… but who cares?

    Comment by Darcey on March 30, 2009
  8. That dress is very 80s, and very awesome! You just need some big old earrings from Claire’s Boutique to set that ensemble on fire. Except not on *actal* fire, since it perhaps could actually go up in flames!

    Hope the flu bug passes quickly and leaves your house completely without passing through anyone else!

    fadkogs last blog post..a post about the hairs on tool man’s chinny, chin, chin

    Comment by fadkog on March 30, 2009
  9. I fully admit to having the same thought about the whole “becoming a woman” combined with the mystery stain. I am so sorry but I can’t help it.

    And yes, definite zombie dress material!

    Comment by Sherry on March 30, 2009
  10. That dress looks BIG on you! I agree with your sister, Zombie for you this Halloween!

    Comment by Chantal on March 30, 2009
  11. wow, that’s some dress, ali. yeah, I’m with katie. i was going to say that stain looks rather, uh, cherry-like, but I won’t… with the lightning and all.
    sorry ’bout the post-trip woes… feel better soon.

    Comment by Nenette on March 30, 2009
  12. I’m with Katie too, although my first thought is that I cannot feel bad for you regarding your travel woes due to the fact that that dress actually fits!!!!

    Comment by Mac & Cheese on March 30, 2009
  13. I’m wishing I were Jewish so I could have a sweet dress like that in my closet.

    Fell better, babe. xoxo

    Angellas last blog post..Sickos

    Comment by Angella on March 30, 2009
  14. Or FEEL better. Unless you need to learn how to fall better.


    Angellas last blog post..Sickos

    Comment by Angella on March 30, 2009
  15. Hope you get feeling better! And I was at Pearson 3K17 last night – craziness!

    Juliennes last blog post..Roller coaster.

    Comment by Julienne on March 30, 2009
  16. I love that you talk about your nasty flu then post pictures of your lovely monsters to paint a much better visual image =)

    Feel better, sweetie!

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on March 30, 2009
  17. how do you still fit into your bat mitzvah dress??? i can’t even fit into my wedding dress.

    Comment by adina on March 30, 2009
  18. A Zombie party! That’s what BlogHer 2009 is totally missing!

    Boo! for being sick. I hope you feel better soon and very soon.

    Comment by Kerri Anne on March 30, 2009
  19. I totally expect to see that dress make an appearance in your daily wardrobe pics on flickr. You know you want to wear it to work.

    Comment by Chris on March 30, 2009
  20. I am stil SO MAD I missed you this weekend. Seriously.

    I’m laughing that you still fit in that dress. Only because I’m about 3 feet taller than I was when I was 12 and that would be a short dress!

    Feel better!

    Kristabellas last blog post..This Is How Rob & Big Must Feel About Each Other

    Comment by Kristabella on March 30, 2009
  21. I totally love the shirt your daughter’s wearing in that last picture!

    Comment by Tatiana on March 30, 2009
  22. OMG. Only you, Ali. Only you.

    PS) It didn’t come until high school?!

    Comment by mamatulip on March 30, 2009
  23. If I could still fit into a dress I’d worn at age 12, I’d wear it ALL the time, no matter how hideously dated it was.

    Comment by MonsteRawr on March 30, 2009
  24. That dress is too big. Jesus Christ, Ali.

    Comment by slynnro on March 30, 2009
  25. Damn woman… you still fit into clothes from when you were 12?!?

    Comment by SciFi Dad on March 30, 2009
  26. Great Dress Ali!

    Comment by lisa b on March 30, 2009
  27. hahaha! i thought it was lipstick on your dress….87 tablecloths?! wow…even if i were to use tablecloths i would have to change them each meal as little people are always spilling everything.

    Comment by LAVENDULA on March 31, 2009
  28. You know, I don’t think I own a table cloth. Huh. I feel like I need one, now.

    Comment by Rhi on March 31, 2009
  29. That dress is amazing. I think you need to add it to your regular clothing rotation.

    Comment by regan on April 1, 2009
  30. […] that she still has in her possession the stained dress that I wore to my bat mitzvah. you know, the one that still fits. She has the dress that she wore to my sister’s bat mitzvah, in 1987. She still has the dress […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy » Blog Archive » This is the most magnificent discarded living room set I’ve ever seen on July 20, 2009
  31. […] can still fit into the dress I wore to my Bat Mitzvah. And sometimes I wear it, just for […]

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