~~boring. boring. and more boring. but i did get the warm fuzzies at the end. aw. Cohen family dinner.
~~ooh.loved Ryan saying that ugly hats were Marissa’s thing. damn straight.
~~”You’re back! But no one EVER comes back…” – loved that. think: Alex, Linsday, Theresa, Jimmy, Hailey, Luke, Anna, Caitlyn…they never come back…
~~Sandy also makes me smile when he mentioned his “porn star mother-in-law”
~~How come Sandy can’t spring for some money for Ryan to buy a new sweatshirt? i swear, he’s wearing the same grey hooded sweatshirt in EVERY episode.
~~and what was with the hair in this episode? Seth’s is too short. Ryan’s is too long. and Kirsten’s had this weird bumpity-bump thing at the sides the whole time. totally distracting.
~~Marissa – put on a bra for the sake of those around us.