heard in our house yesterday:
Josh: Daddy, I will be Luke Skywalker. Who will you be?
Daddy: I’ll be Obi-Wan Kenobi
Josh: Okay, but if you see Darth Vader, don’t kill him….cuz he’s my dad.
Well, having my dad and stepmom here this weekend – it was too short, only 48 hours – helped open my eyes. I now know EXACTLY what the cool kids are into these days:
they like light sabers:
and Bella Dancerella:
and Peek-a-Poohs:
and bee bop bands:
and Grammy…aw…
South Beach 2006 official watch:
i started yesterday instead of today. the willpower was at its finest. we went out for dessert with our friends – to THE place (scroll down…it’s there. oh, it’s there….mmm…waffles) and i just had COFFEE. coffee. that’s all. and i wasn’t even tempted. i’m sure it’s only because it was day 1. come back to me in a week and i’ll probably be dying for sugar. i’ll probably sell you my first born for some carbs.