Most of you have already seen THIS BEAUTY thanks to the wonder of twitter and flickr. But I feel like it really warranted its own post. Because I am still giggling about, well, just about everything in this shot. And because really it’s justรย that good.
Behold! I am totally being judged. By my mother.
The sad truth of this picture is that yes, indeed, I did order a ten-beer sampler. But I’m kind of a super lightweight (I can drink a total of 2.5 beers before I am telling the world all of your secrets and possibly dancing in public) and I’m kind of also not really a drinker. So, really, all I did was taste them all….and there was exactly one that I liked. Moosejaw micro-brew fail. Also, please explain why anyone would put FRUIT in beer. It totally violates THE FRUIT COMMANDMENTS. Also, it’s just nasty, much like the rest of the beer I tasted that was both bitter and tasted like sweaty butt.
Wisconsin Dells should stick to what they are good at….salt water taffy. Mmmm.
I’m off to stuff my face.
(and get a good photo of it, obviously)