THIS is what you get when I have worked for over an hour on something good…and then my wordpress dies even though it’s supposed to save your posts as drafts and I thought I was being smart by copying and pasting my entire post into a word document before rebooting my shitty laptop to attempt to save my writing only to have it be some sort of corrupt file upon opening:
I am feeling somewhat uninspired lately, and I’m thinking that maybe it has something to do with the fact that I am no longer working in an office
(even though, if I’m being honest, I rarely wrote about work except to bitch on twitter about the offensive smells that wafted from the 3rd floor microwave. PSA to anyone working in an office space with other office inhabitants: DO NOT, under any circumstances, warm up fish of any kind. or Indian food. and just so you know, microwave popcorn is lovely; microwave popcorn heated exactly 2 second too long is NOT so lovely and smells for the rest of the damn day. end odoriffic rant)
and my days have pretty much meshed together to become, well, THE SAME.
But, don’t think for a single second that I am not thrilled to itty bitty pieces to be doing exactly what I am doing right now. It’s a dream, really, to be able to continue doing work that I love – writing, editing, and photo researching and buying – but also be able to take the kids to school in the mornings, to get to know their friends and teachers, to be able to volunteer in the classroom (WHAT UP! You are totally looking at the new class mom for 2G!) (whatever, the person who made that decision was obviously high, but, you know, I’ll take it). To have as the great Hannah Montana puts it – the best of both worlds. To be able to run in the middle of the day (which I have done ONCE), to be able to cook dinner (which I have done TWICE) and to be able to watch the best TV lineup in the history of TV lineups – Beverly Hills, 90210 (the old school Donna Martin Graduates! one…not the NEW 90210 where everyone has an eating disorder and/or was on Degrassi), The OC, and One Tree Hill.
(also, season 1 of Mad Men, which, oh my god, I cannot even tell you how badly I want to own every single article in Betty Draper’s wardrobe. and also? I want Don Draper to do dirty, dirty things to me…and even though typically – unlike some people I know – my tastes tend to be a little more, um, pubescent and messy haired and skinny jean and sneakered, there’s just something so swell about that Don Draper…ZOMG)
but, you know, there are some exciting things that happen in my day. I mean, I spent a tremendous amount of time this week in search of lingerie.
(which, my husband takes serious issue with the lingerie and mumbles such nonsense about monkeys being able to figure out how to write out the works of Shakespeare but not being able to ever spell the word lingerie) (I don’t understand either)
You see, I am not a lingerie person, per se. Actually, I really don’t see the point of it because, well, if you are doing it right, it’s supposed to come off. and when it comes to sleeping, I am all about COMFORT – I am all about flannel pjs. But, you know, sometimes, the heart wants what the heart wants (and when I say ‘the heart’, I really mean ‘the husband’) so, I went searching in all the usual joints – La Senza, Victoria’s Secret, heck, even where in the past I had purchased a very awesome Halloween costume Britney Spears-esque school-girl outfit…but seriously…there was NOTHING. Nothing tasteful, nothing sexy…nothing at all. Victoria’s Secret has gone very, well, junior high on me. Everything is cotton and comfy. So, HELP?
AND, I did spend a good part of my day yesterday schooling my Aiming Low lovelies in Judaism 101 – which, of course, included the tale of how I almost drowned in the mikvah. (it’s a good one; I highly recommend clicking over) and then, you know, in return, they schooled me in Baptism 101, which seems kind of like a bris, only with less, you know, cutting. AND I got to learn about kids being able to choose their own names…and I decided that if there was a patron saint of coffee, doughnuts, and pop culture, THAT would totally be the name I would choose.
AND, I did sit down with Miss Isabella so she could color me a picture ofรย what she said was “half of mommy with the Jonas Brothers” AWESOME does not even begin to describe this.