…because it’s hump day, of course.
i love…when Emily dances…
also…her Russian jumps are FAB
i love…when people send me free things…
thanks to the people at Clek, who sent me a gorgeous new Olli booster seat to try out. not only is it super purty…it’s also got a latch…love that! the only problem is figuring out which kid gets to test-ride it first!
i love…getting new art for the kids’ rooms and supporting a friends’ business at the same time.
Thanks, Haley-O! i can’t wait to hang it over Isabella’s dresser.
I love…a good bargain.
this week i already told you about my steals at Hollister and Old Navy…but i didn’t tell you about my new down jacket. that cost me exactly $49.99. at RW&Co (my favorite place in the world. well, at least in the mall) it’s super warm and not super bulky. perfection.
i love…Big Brother 9…and the Big Brother 9 spoiler site
a new twist! an annoying cougar!
an uncomfortable past relationship!
inflamed egos! a catfight!
a real-life couple inside! profusely sweating men!
what are you loving today??