Monthly Archives: August 2009

Looking For Fluffy

I kind of stay away from blogs (seriously…why do I loathe that word so much…blawg. the way my non-bloggy friends use it like it’s a nasty word…”hey, Ali, are you going to put this on your blaaaaawwwwwwwg?”) that tend to be whiney whiney whine whine and steer more towards the…

sam’s mom and other freaks.

Meet Sam. We know this because Sam was wearing a name tag. Sam was a little boy who liked to steal trains from little girls in the children’s book section of Barnes and Noble. Sam was also an unaccompanied minor. Sam played bullied without any parental guidance (and I’m pretty…

bump. bump. bump.

Life is filled with bumps. Lots and lots of bumps. Like when you have been in Atlanta for almost 3 weeks and you just cannot get your internet connection to work properly…no matter how many hours your husband  – who possesses a degree in computer science – spent trying to…