Monthly Archives: August 2009

newfound respect!

There is this painting in my mom’s house. It is painted by Edna Hibel. It is of two adults and two children, both girls. I assumed, always, growing up, that this painting was of my mom and dad and me and my sister. I couldn’t understand why my mother continued…

it’s all about the food porn around here…I blame the RROD

our Xbox suffered the RROD, which to the layman means the red ring of death, which to the layman means “oh hai, Ali. I’m afraid I can’t do what you’ve asked of me. Please to be visiting a UPS store to be sending that shit back to me for maintenance….

It is only Tuesday. and yet.

This week I  learned that: No matter how emotionally draining my girls can be, there’s NOTHING like taking them for their first mani/pedis (even if it means that I am forced to let someone touch my feet. ew) Emily is not the only new kid in her class. According to…