December 10 04

…but only because i had to take my son to the doctor…my apologies…


This is actually the first time i’m remotely interested in watching this season. I NEVER thought that Chris would be the one guy to make it to the final four. i disliked him from the start. but, he’s been smart. I love how he sits back and watching all the female drama. He is in a good position. the swing vote – although, sometimes being the swing votes comes back to bite you in the ass. fortunately for him, he did what was best for him. he aligned with Eliza and made sure to say, “even if i end up voting for Julie, it doesn’t change things with us” covering his bases there, and he voted with twila and scout, so he covered his bases there.

I’m all for seeing Eliza and Chris in the final two – they are the two i dislike the least.


The first thing i have to say about last night’s episode is: bring back shirtless man-boobed Kelly, and take away the boxer-briefs too much meat and two veg showing Kelly. yuck. he was hanging out there way way too much.

okay, I think it should have been Kevin and Kelly as the final 2. but, it was so cleverly crafted. Trump booted Kevin first because he was dying for a Sandy/Jen screaming rematch. he loved every minute of watching each woman try to defend herself into the other final 2 spot.

props to Kelly for keeping his trap shut. smartest move he ever made. you could see him itching to speak up at some point.

i seriously HOPE he wins. Jen doesn’t deserve it. and i love love loved when Chris told George that he was being overworked and that he and Pamela spoke to the NBA. did you see George’s face when he realized that Jen was once again, shirking responsibility. she’s not ready for this. she came across looking like such a dumbass when she met with the Genworth women. dumbass.


ah…once again…too much too soon. oh, yes, what happens…mix ups with all the relationships, but bada bing…in the end it all works out for Seth and flock of seagulls (except last night she had nice looking hair – big improvement i must say], Summer and Zach, Marissa and lawn boy, and Ryan and Lindsey. are we surprised? of course not. do we still love it? of course we do. the OC rocks.

I do like this all too predicatble clever little twist….Caleb is Lindsay’s dad. ha! Lindsey and Kiki are sisters! double ha!

  1. Survivor – I agree. It’s taken this whole season for the show to get interesting. This was a tough vote for Chris. Personally, I think he made a mistake. I agree with Eliza that Twila and Scout will never vote against each other. That means they will vote Eliza or Chris off next, depending on who gets immunity. Otherwise, it comes down to picking the rock.

    Chris has created a situation where immunity is a must-win situation. If he voted Twila off he would have had Julie’s devotion right up to the final two and the jury vote. I think those are better odds. And since he played the game the best – at least better than Julie – he should take that vote.

    Now, who knows? It all comes down to who gets immunity.

    Comment by Sean on December 10, 2004
  2. i think you’re right…now that i think about it.

    but, julie and eliza could take each other to the final 2 and boot Chris 3rd (after booting Scout 4th).

    who knows? we’ll see what happens…the fact that Chris – who completely f#$$%ed up the first challenge and whould have gone home then – has come this far, i give him lots of credit! i don’t know how he did it!

    Comment by Ali on December 10, 2004
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