[courtesy of wienerphilharmonic]
- 01.11 The Steps at Versailles
- 12.17 Bad Stories.
- 01.28 A Check In
- 06.17 The Graduate
- 03.17 BonkersLand
[courtesy of wienerphilharmonic]
From Jack Handy (paraphrasing)
“I told my nephew I would take him to Disneyland. Instead I took him to a burned down farmhouse and said, ‘Oh no – Disneyland burned down!’ He cried and cried. I was going to take him to the real Disneyland, but it was getting late.”
“My nephew asked me why it was raining. I told him, ‘Because God is crying’. He asked, ‘Why is God crying?’. I said, ‘Probably because of something you did.'”
Comment by Sean on December 9, 2004