seriously, y’all. i didn’t think i had it in my heart to love a midget as much as i love mini-me. (“blimey! i thought i smelled cabbage!”) but, clearly that was until weng weng came along. he is agent 00. he is 2 foot 9. need i say more? warning: this will be the funniest thing you see all day.
Isabella has decided that she’s completely ready to be out of diapers. unfortunately for me, her receptable of choice seems to be my closet and not the toilet. i just knew she was up to no good when she disappeared into my closet with a giant smirk on her face. she brings new meaning to the term ‘little shit’
we are now officially toilet training her.
i’d like to see more of this:
and less turds on my floor. damnit.
Emily and i watched a movie together yesterday. How to Eat Fried Worms. and yes, if you must know, i enjoyed it. she does this funny thing when she lies in bed with me. she will ONLY lie on my side of the bed…and if i ask her to move over to make some room for my large ass, she will move to the center of the bed, but no further.
when i asked her about it her answer literally brought me to tears.
“i don’t like daddy’s side because he sleeps naked and his bum bum and all his other stuff is all over it.”
out of the mouths of babes. 🙂