after all that shopping and deliberating…and stuffing myself into dresses that were way too small…i don’t even need it…because instead of being at my company’s holiday party, i’m going to be partying it up in Montreal visiting my new baby niece…
I’m so happy for Adina and Manny.
(and so excited to go and buy wee pink things)
although i may be forced to buy this.
because, y’all, Threadless makes onesies!!!! oh my heavenly days. Threadless makes onesies.
(and i little bit surprised that she has more hair than Isabella, who is 2)
she doesn’t have a name yet…and that’s driving me a little bit mental. i. don’t. like. surprises. so, of course, i’m determined to guess.
Kyra? Kayla? Kaylee? something with a K?
Sophie? Hannah? Abby? Olivia?
(note to self: it’s their baby. stop giving them names that YOU like. I LOVE the name Olivia. love love love. but alas, the husband’s seed will no longer find purchase in my womb.)
it could be anything…
in other news:
reason #4523 why i heart the husband.
yesterday, when i made reference, jokingly, to having Tourette’s syndrome, instead of calling me out for being slightly offensive, he played a little episode of Southpark for me.
a little episode called Le Petit Tourette. (you can watch it right here if you are so inclined). It may just be the funniest 24 minutes of tv you’ll watch today. unless you are watching 30 Rock, because that might be funnier.
(disclaimer: i swear, i have nothing but love for people with Tourette’s. and for Chris Hansen. i mean, he catches predators. why don’t you have a seat right over there?? bwah. )