like mother, like daughter.
we both have this nasty little habit of dropping our drawers and just leaving them wherever we’ve declothed. it’s a terrible habit, i know. especially since i dress and undress more often than a normal human being should. At least three times in the morning before work. and at least once when i come home. sometimes twice. don’t ask. my answer will not make sense to you, unless you are one of us. us crazies.
i laugh at inappropriate times. funerals. during exams. at religious services. weddings. brises.
i sometimes chew the inside of my lip.
i have a bit of a potty mouth. (iΓβΓΒ am working on this, i swear. usually, i just blame the tourettes.)
I steal pens. if they offer free pens somewhere (like, let’s say, at my daughter’s dance school. don’t even ask me how many Vibe pens i carry around in my purse!). when i go to sign receipts. at restaurants. if someone gives me a pen, i steal it. i can’t help it. it’s because there are never any fucking pens. ever!
i never finish my coffee. and i know i’ll never finish it. but i still get the bigger cup, because it’s a bigger cup and it looks better. i always order a grande at Starbucks, even though tall is perfect. i order a large at Tim Hortons, even though a medium is perfect.
i spend too much time on facebook. and on webkinz. webkinz! i freakin’ love me some webkinz. and on the wii. and on the computer.
i don’t floss. ever. even that first day when you come home from the dentist all pumped up with your new toothbrush and your trial-sized floss. even then, i don’t floss.
i quote movies. all the time. for no reason. (again, i blame the tourettes)
what about you??? what makes you a freak?? π
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