When I agreed to this whole guest posting thing to help Ali out while she had family in town I tried to conjure up great ideas of what I could write about. I seem to be infamous for my pee and femullet posts that I’ve left as I squatted in other locations, but I don’t know that I could do that to my dear Ali. She’s so sweet and wonderful and polite and always thinking of others. (Well, not unlike those other bloggers. Because they’re sweet and wonderful and thoughtful too. Ahem. Nevermind.)
But Ali? She’s just so freakin’ CUTE! Oh. No. I mean HOT. She’s definitely a hot mom. That’s why she lets her kids wear stuff like this.
[Plus, I don’t know if there’s family that reads this blog. Though, I suspect they don’t the way she always goes on and on about them making her drink herself into an early grave. *waves* Hi Ali’s family!!!]
This would be the perfect opportunity to spill some dirt, don’t you think? I wish I had dirt on Ali. Even a morsel of something to share. But alas, nothing.
Utter. Stinkin’. Perfection.
She makes me sick.
I crave dirt on people. I am one of those people that has to know every last detail of that torrid work place affair, or a fight/disagreement between co-workers or even personal life stuff.
Bad. I know.
But I crave information. Gossip.
I am a Gossip. I’m not really ashamed of the fact I enjoy gossip. I tell people, yet they still feed me with information.
They encourage my gossiping ways. That’s not my fault.
I couldn’t even tell you when this started. I can remember as far back as elementary school at our first ever boy/girl parties when the rumours would start. I wouldn’t start them, but I listen very tentatively to what information was being divulged. I remember going home and thinking up all these scenarios and drive myself batty with “Whatifs”.
Then I realized the even more tantalizing world of Sharing Gossip. Wow.
Who would have thought that gathering all this information and sharing with other people like myself (Gossips) would help get the pieces together so much faster!?
It’s funny how gossip can being people together. Yet. Sometimes be so dangerous.
Like celebrities. Dangerous. Some have even faced the demise of their careers because of the pressure put on by our (read: gossip and celebrity obsessed people, like moi.) need for irrelevant information. Britney Spears is a prime example me thinks. The girl is followed incessantly, having every single move photographed and scrutinized by the public eye. Her life is in shambles and most of that, I think, can be owed to the paparazzi and some poor life decisions and bad parenting by Lynn.
I’m just sayin’.
But really, who am I to say anything at all?
Just another gossip hound weighing in on a tarnished career which will one day lead her to a spot on The Surreal Life.
What were we even talking about?
Oh! Ali and how I have no dirt on her.
You got any to share? Feel free to give us a glimpse into the life of exploit our favourite blogger if you’ve got something!
This is Sam from Temporarily Me, and I’m out.