Choose one: Popcorn, Pizza, Pretzels, Peanuts, or Pasta.
Pizza. hands down. but i like popcorn too.
Describe your personality in terms of a particular vehicle.
jeep grand cherokee (and not just because i really, really miss mine…). pretty and sparkly, but with a little bit of a rough, edgy side. reliable. a classic.
If you won a shopping spree, from which store would you want it to be?
ooh. that’s tough. one store? i might have to say Macy’s or Bloomingdales because they have a little of everything….clothing, shoes, housewares….yeah…
Main Course
Which television show re-runs do you enjoy watching?
where do i start with this one? what tv re-runs don’t i enjoy watching? i have to say i love everything that i used to watch as a kid – – – Growing Pains, Cheers, Family Ties, etc. but i also love me some Seinfeld reruns. Seinfeld is the best and can be watched and rewatched over and over again.
If you could look into the future, how far down the road would you like to see? 10 years? 100 years? A million?
maybe 20? 25? i’d love to see my kids 25 years from now and see what they’ve done with their lives.