After a vacation from hell….more about that to come…I decided that today was going to be the start of a really good week. I’m putting my best foot forward and smiling. And then, the bomb drops. I am getting all my stuff together to leave for work this morning and my nanny turns to me and says, “You’ve gained weight.” just like that. I had been slightly on the excited side because i had gotten on the scale just a few hours before and i hadn’t gained any weight while we were away. So, i told her just that. I said, “Well, according to my scale I haven’t gained any weight, so maybe it’s just the outfit.” and she said, “No, you’ve definitely gained weight. Your stomach looks big.” I could just crawl up in a hole and die. Most people at least have the tact to lie to you when you ask them if you look bigger. But, I didn’t even ask. She just offered up the information. Thanks.

- 01.11 The Steps at Versailles
- 12.17 Bad Stories.
- 01.28 A Check In
- 06.17 The Graduate
- 03.17 BonkersLand