“You know that point in your life when you realize that the house that you grew up in isn’t really your home anymore? All of the sudden even though you have some place where you can put your stuff that idea of home is gone.”
So…we saw Garden State while we were in Milwaukee – my sister, my brother, my hubby and I left the kids at home with my mom and stepdad. I thought the movie was great….and this quote really hit home…no pun intended.
the kids, for the most part, were well behaved. it was my mother who wasn’t. and that damn bee that stung me. yes, i got stung by a bee. fabulous.
here’s a prime example of my mother. When we got married, she hired this “great” photographer. Turns out, he sucks. and he sucks so bad that the pictures from our wedding are horrible. I’m almost embarrassed to display them. actually, i am embarrassed to display them. so, after the wedding, we swear up and down that we aren’t going to pay for our pictures….but naturally, she does. Then, fast forward 6 years. my mom wants to take us for family portraits (even though my brother in law Joe was not in town – – – we didn’t think we should have taken family pics without him, but whatever) and where does she make the appointment??? Yup, you guessed it. Lee Ira Seigman. The man who ruined my wedding. Why, oh why? there must be hundreds of photographers in the Greater Milwaukee Area. What was she thinking? How could she possibly give this man more business?
i could go on and on and add all my stories of the week, but i wouldn’t want to bore you with the book i could write. I’ll just leave you with that little story.
and I don’t know…just something about me and traveling that don’t mix. For example, last night we get to the airport with perfect timing. not too early that the kids get antsy and not too late that my husband gets antsy. perfect. except that when we get to the desk they tell us that the flight’s been delayed for an hour and twenty minutes. great. so…we hang around the airport FOREVER and finally get on our flight. then, the dvd player doesn’t work. and, of course, we hadn’t brought any back-up toys or books or any other distractions. so, i spent my flight “open it, please” opening the window shade and the seat belt and “close it, please” closing the tray-table and putting the in-flight phone back in its place. My son is a nut.
then we arrived at the airport and get in the longest f$%&^ing line at immigration, and naturally, the line does not move. so, we are the last people to get through, and we are so behind that when we get to the baggage carousel, our bags are the only ones left. ah!!