February 21 05

since Patty was “outed” in Springfield, I didn’t think we’d get another good outing this week. but i was wrong! Andrew is gay! Andrew is gay! ha! did anyone else notice that his hair looked more like a helmet than actual hair? What’s with all these teens on the show? with the exception of Miguel (aka John the gardener) all the other teens on the show are downright ugly. think about it. Zack. Julie. Danielle. Andrew. My gosh. Couldn’t they have gotten a better looking cast?

Oh lordy, lordy, do i love Bree. Ronald Reagan? i love that. and i even had some love for Rex, too. “You can take away his penis, but he’ll still try to have sex”

Lynette made me really angry. I’m glad that she feels some sort of remorse for sabotaging her husband’s promotion. what a beeyotch. and i haven’t really liked Tom very much but i did enjoy his play-by-play announcements at the softball game. cute.

Zack is still heavy into giving out the heeby-jeeby vibes. ew.

and something about the way Susan took a dive into the grass had me in stiches. i just couldn’t stop giggling.

best line of the night: “But you’re president of the Abstinence Club!” “I wasn’t planning on running for a second term.”

  1. That’s what I love about Desperate Housewives…the kids look normal. For pretty kids, I watch The O.C. 🙂

    Comment by Stacy on February 21, 2005
  2. i’m all for normal looking kids…but these kids, i don’t know, they don’t even look normal…well maybe danielle…

    Comment by Ali on February 21, 2005
  3. 1) the kids are ugly on DH because they don’t want a bunch of tennie boppers demanding that the story line move away from the “housewives” to focus on the “house kids”. This way they will always remain peripheral. I mean, seriously, who cares what happens to the ugly kids in life?
    2) speaking of outings – one’s coming up on Bachelorette. Kudos Ali – you called that one WAY early.

    Comment by Giblet on February 21, 2005
  4. I loved this episode. Don’t mean to brag, but I was thinking Andrew was gay as well, BUT here’s my next prediction. Lynette’s husband isn’t just having an affair somewhere, HE HAS AN ENTIRE FAMILY. You heard it hear first.
    DO you watch Boston Legal? My favorite quote is “Excuse me, I feel uncomfortable around little people.” Fantastic!! My hubby is phobic about midgets which is funny as he is 6’7″. Come see me and you are now on my blog roll.

    Comment by Tisha from Texas on February 21, 2005
  5. my friend Sarah is also convinced that he has an entire family. we’ll find out -hopefully sooner rather than later – if you two are right!!

    Comment by Ali on February 22, 2005

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