Category: The Snark

the unsurprising news is that the leafs lost..

so, i ventured downtown all Han style TWICE this week (i’ll wait until it clicks) (no? not yet? answer: SOLO) (funny, yes? well, Barney always is) and i have to say that even though i slid my metrocard in BACKWARDS and then tried to go through the wrong turnstyle and…


it’s holymotherfucker cold outside right now. i got up, showered, got dressed, got into my van so the husband could drive me to the Tim Horton’s where he left the civic last night (don’t ask. please. it has to do with his inability to WAIT and some Greek Tragedy called…

it says frah-gee-lay. it must be italian.

the second best thing about having a mirena iud is that i don’t get my period. ever. (before you go and get all in my face telling me that i’m providing too much information, just be thankful i’m not talking about orgasmic childbirth. aha. although, i’m not one to judge…)…