Category: The Baby

She is lucky that she knows how to cry on command.

Some things survived MakeupGateTwentyTen. Some things, however, did not. 4 eye shadows. Shroom, Naked Lunch, Woodwinked, Retrospeck. 1 blush. Cubic. 1 bronzer. Golden 2 lipsticks. Plum Dandy. Viva Glam V. 1 lipgloss. Viva Glam V. 1 mascara. Zoom Lash. 1 foundation. Select SPF 15. NW20. And I thought tuition was…

Ticky Tick. Or How I Might Learn a Thing or Two from a Girl Who Wears Pink Wigs

It was about 90 degrees today. It was hot and humid, which clearly only meant one thing: sundress. Actually, fine, it means one other thing. Boob sweat. To my darling Isabella, however, it means…FLEECE HOODIE. Yes, it’s true. She wanted to wear tights too, but I have hidden them all….

Daniel the Boy Barbie

As soon as she said, “You know what would be the most special thing in the world? If I had a handsome boy Barbie for my girl Barbie to play with,” I knew. I knew we’d be spending the morning scouring the aisles at Toys r Us, instead of taking…