Category: The Baby

Freaky Friday, appliance lust, and some TIFF tickets.

The last day of camp is freaky friday themed. Not like the Jodie Foster movie. Or even like the Lindsay Lohan version. Just freaky. Unfortunately, Isabella’s version of freaky looks a lot like a giant stuffed Remy costume from Ratatoullie. Oh yes it is. Emily was good at last-minute improv….


I have always been super fascinated by genetics. It amazes me how two people can come together and create these creatures that are a combination of those mixed genes. And each one comes out with a distinct look, a different combination of how those genes played out. The interesting thing…

Her, Bellezilla

This. Five years ago. It feels like forever ago that I was TEN days overdue during what felt like the hottest August to ever happen in the history of Augusts. I was  just so anxious to meet the little tasmanian devil that was going to make our family complete. THE…