Category: The Baby

Paychecks are overrated anyway, yes?

Sometimes working from home doesn’t exactly work. For me, my best productive work is done when all three kids are at school and I am sitting in my yoga pants and a tank top in the hallway in front of my iMac with a giant cup of coffee beside me….

So Long, and Thanks For All the Tears.

One of the very least glamorous honors that comes along with this whole parenting gig is the PUBLIC BATHROOM VISIT. I realize some of you call them restrooms and some of you in the great white north think you are being extra polite by calling them washrooms, and some of…

Perfectly Perfect Park Wear

I’m the pick-your-battles type. Which is why I didn’t even bat an eyelash when Isabella requested to go to the park dressed like this…. Not one eyelash. I mean, it’s not really any different than when she went out for milkshakes wearing her Snow White costume. Or when she went…