Isabella is in love. with a bunny in our backyard. it doesn’t belong to us, of course, but it usually makes at least one appearance each day. and Isabella spends about 95% of her day standing up on our couch, looking out the window.
“Rabbit! whe’are you? I find you! rabbit?”
(ps. the way she combines ‘where’ and ‘are’ into one word is to. die. for. possibly my favorite thing that she says)
The funny this is that my sister-in-law in Montreal actually has a rabbit, Beamer (Beemer?), and Isabella isn’t really all that interested in it. and when we frequent the pet store…she’s all about the “nakes”. but this bunny in the backyard. it’s bella’s bunny.
so, imagine our surprise when we found bella’s bunny devoured and ripped to shreds on Wednesday. seriously. just a pile of bones and some fur and a tell-tale floppy ear (just to rub in it. now we know it’s her bunny).
what could have done this? raccoon? cat? it seriously looks like something a raptor would have done. or maybe i’m reviewing too many birds of prey books for work. (oh, yes, i know all about ’em – condors, eagles, hawks, ospreys, owls. it’s some scary, scary shit. the stuff that nightmares are made of.)
i’m so sad for Isabella. and i’m so sad for the husband, who, as of this morning, is on bunny disposal duty. yikes. that’s not my department.
(i’m on self-appointed bra-disposal duty. probably as terrifying a task…i have about 35 bras…and about 4 that actually fit. i have the big melon-holders back when i was a good solid 34DDD….and i have the itty-bitty-titty training bras back when i was super-skinny and a super-tiny 32A.)
Grey’s Anatomy
~ this was a terrible, terrible episode. i am so over Meredith having the worst. life. ever. seriously. i’m not her biggest fan, but the woman needs some happiness. parents dying all around her (while the only parent who should die is Thatcher). Derek is an ass. the poor girl. i’m so over George and Izzy and her stupid annoying speeches. i’m so over Alex and Ava/Rebecca. i’m so over everyone and their mother being pregnant. everyone BUT Addison. we get it. she gave up a baby.
~ best exchange? “I’m not stripping” “we’ve seen it already” “true” “i haven’t”
~ i was sooo not expected the freakin’ pic axe at the end. i was thinking the exact same thing as Bailey…what the hell happened up on that mountain?
~anyone think the girl hitting on Derek was Lexi?