I am sitting in a hotel room in NYC (without wi-fi. again. seriously, Sheraton New York, you have really dropped the ball. I wonder if the Sheraton Manhattan, which is, curiously, right across the street, has wi-fi) watching Mike Rowe on tv and totally understanding now. TOTALLY, jenBshaw. I am also trying to finish wringing my hair out and drying off and trying to do something about these prune hands BUT my feet are dry thanks to a much needed after-Bubby’s-breakfast stop at Century 21 for wellies. oooh! wellies!
I’ve always wanted a pair but never felt like I could justify the purchase, but now that I live in the land when it doesn’t stop raining (psst. Atlanta, take note. YOU ARE NOT SEATTLE) so I figured I could splurge and pay the $29 on them. I am also currently drinking my second cup of Tim Horton’s coffee today. Yes, you read that right, people. TIM HORTON’S. which makes me so happy I cannot even express to you, especially because Katie is apparently suspicious-looking and they were afraid she was smuggling people over the border in my tub of Tim’s coffee but really I think they were just really tired and needed some caffeine. or something.
But I am so happy that we did this. that we braved the rain to spend the day doing things like eating good food and walking in the city and taking the subway and visiting Ground Zero. I’m glad we didn’t let the rain scare us away.
Because I LOVE New York City.
No, seriously. I love it. I don’t even care that there is so much garbage and that there are sometimes ROUSes in the subways and that the honking is nonstop and people are pushy and rude and don’t even get me started on the exotic way this city smells. but there is just nothing like New York. Nothing. I WANT TO GO TO THERE.
and it certainly doesn’t hurt that my sister lives here. and, you know, her.
I am so lucky to be here working (yes! it’s true! We are here to help promote the ridiculously awesome HP web printer) by throwing parties for you to come and eat and drink and play around with the printer and see a ridiculously humiliating video of us (well, of me. last time I let Emily take video of me…) and even win things like an HP mini (*drool*) We totally rocked the hell out of Boston and are going to be doing it again tonight in NYC.
We even took the train to make this happen for you. oh.yes.we.did.
(and I’m not at liberty to say how many people we scared away from our train car) (hint: it was many)
So, I hope to see all of you currently in the tri-state area tonight at the Sheraton New York…
…and I’m hoping that you can help create an itinerary for us for the next two days. oh yes, the Aiming Low crew has TWO FUN-FILLED DAYS in the city before having to return to our various cities (and countries!) but, you know, we some help
What should we do tomorrow?
What should we do on Friday?
any must-see places to see? any must-eat places to eat cupcakes?
Fingers crossed for us that we get some sunshine (and lollipops).