Well, I am officially in Boston with the Aiming Low girls and HP. and *sigh* I am kind of all upset that I chose to NOT go to college in Boston because ohmigod, this city is so lovely. and tomorrow we get to go do all this fun stuff at Staples, like grope all the pretty laptops (for which I am currently in the market, because my laptop? is such a biatch…crashing every 15 minutes, pretending it doesn’t know what an apostrophe is, that little THINKING circle that it does. hate.) and printers and school supplies (dear god, I love me some school supplies) and then get our party on and eat finger foods that sound super fancy but that none of us can pronounce.
I got to fly here with the lovely Anissa, our ringleader extraordinairre (only she probably doesn’t have a top hat or a whip. well, maybe she has a whip, but I haven’t seen it. YET). I didn’t meet up with Anissa until the gate area, which meant that she had to miss the exhange I had with the dude at security.
um. okay. I wanted to be all, “yeah, I guess if she reads my twitter stream then she knows.” but instead, since this dude was working SECURITY AT AN AIRPORT and I didn’t really want to end up being detained in a box or, you know, deported back to Canada, or something, I decided to just smile and wave.
Just like the dude at the baggage carousel who decided to just smile and wave when Anissa was all worried about the HEADS IN HER SUITCASE. but not these kind of heads.
Just like the bartender at Cheesecake Factory decided to just smile and wave when we were all sitting at the bar with our heads focused on nothing but our iphones and blackberries and when I chose to skip dinner and go straight to dessert.
Just like we all did when we watched an cnn-watching ugly naked guy get his, um, naked self dressed.
And just like my roommates did when I explained to them about my little, um, not-able-to-use-the-bathroom-away-from-home issues and that 10:00pm tonight is for getting my Don Draper on. ahem. and when I totally hogged the ethernet cable hook-up thingie because our hotel doesn’t have wi-fi (Boston Sheraton FAIL) and when I told them that I have never had a frosty at Wendy’s and that I pretty much don’t know any single blogger that they ever talk about. ever.