I still have so much to tell you about my trip and a little video about a certain guy named Kevin that is totally going to go viral, but we must take some pause for a moment.
Because my baby boy woke up SEVEN YEARS OLD this morning.
hold me. How in the heck did THAT happen???? It wasn’t that long ago that he looked like this…
I will be honest. I was terrified to have a boy. Boys are stinky and dirty and they like things like action figures and they know how to make perfect helicopter and machine gun noises and they know how to dismantle just about everything and they have, um, exterior bits. We didn’t find out the sex of our second baby and when he came out and I was all, hey! that’s not just a cord! that, friends, is some baby boy junk, I was not prepared.
But, in the end, the only thing I was really unprepared for was just how fiercely I could love a boy. MY BOY. I love everything about him.
I love how he learned to read on his own and just never got around to telling me.
I love that he thinks the tooth fairy’s name is Gwyneth.
I love that he asked my dad if he fought in the Civil War.
I love that he sharpie tattoos himself.
I love that he told me that he was “so off the blondies right now” and that he was more of a Gabriella than a Sharpay.
I love the look on his face as he rounds the bases in his Bats uniform.
I love that he once drew some light sabers and they came out looking like..um…THIS:
I love hearing him say “pardon me?” all polite and stuff.
I love watching him outeat his dad in chicken wings.
I love that he wanted the Jumanji and Zathura games for his birthday because he really thinks they are REAL.
I love that he once called balls “poisonous beans” and that he coined the term “knee-pit” and that he once confused Britney Spears and Moses.
I love that he let me teach him the Thriller dance.
I love the way he looks in all of his hockey gear.
I love that he shares my love for movie quotes.
I love his totally out-of-the-blue giant bear hugs, even though he is nothing but skin and bones.
I love that he totally named our dog, because, in his very best Sean Connery WE NAMED THE DOG INDIANA.
I love how he can beat me at every.single.game on the xbox or the wii or the ds…except for Rock Band. He really is the very worst singer in the world (remember this???)
(I do, however, not love that he needs to pee all the damn time)