I am a girl who likes sports.
i realize this is not a newsflash. you read suffered with me this year while my favrette and i watched our dreams of Superbowl XLII die a slow, painful death.
you suffered with me while i watched my dreams of a San Antonio NBA final win die a slow death (and you laughed when i admitted to wearing a giant leather Spurs jacket in high school…)
football, basketball, hockey, even soccer.
but baseball? for me…the only thing i like about going to baseball games is the BEER. and no, i will NEVER be able to drink more beer than the lovely Kristabella
it’s just so SLOOOOOOOOOOOW.
okay, i lie. it’s not JUST the beer. We enjoyed the free tide-to-go.
and the blue ICEEs
and, of course, there was dancing.
oh, yes, she DID have an entire blue ICEE. how could you tell??!
oh, and also…this is BIG news. BIG. HUGE. i announced it on Twitter but twitter’s been a little under-the-weather lately.
i had my first hot dog in 23 years.
let me say that again.
and it was divine.
oh, yes…
please note this little disclaimer: i have nothing against vegetarians. i loves me some vegetarians. i respect their decisions. you hear that PETA? don’t throw things at me. please.
i just loves me some meat
…and cue the dirty google searches. bwah.